BCHS has become leader in community hospital research

In healthcare, clinical research is associated with large teaching hospitals. However, the Brantford General Hospital has quietly become a leader in community-based clinical care research and is now recognized throughout Canada.
“The BGH Critical Care Unit (CCU) has become one of the top community hospital enrolling centres, often ranking first or near the top in the country,” Dr. Brenda Reeve, an anesthetist and intensivist said.
Working closely with other academic and community hospitals, the BCHS (Brantford General Hospital and Willett Hospital, Paris) is creating a network of researchers that collaborates on both current and future clinical trials.
“The latest evidence and medications from this research are a valuable benefit for our CCU patients. We are very proud of our work.”
Read the full Hospital Insider.
Photo: Brantford General Hospital has become a leader in community-based clinical care research. William Dechert, from left, is research coordinator, Dr. Brenda Reeve, anesthetist and intensivist, and Dr. Raid Shaarbaf, internal medicine critical care, at Brant Community Healthcare System.