Spiritual Care
The essence of spirituality is discovering a sense of purpose or meaning in life. There are many ways people give expression to this sense of purpose and our Spiritual Care team respectfully honours the various expressions of spirituality, religious or otherwise that individuals may draw upon for strength. Members of our Spiritual Care team seek to provide holistic, client-centered spiritual care to patients, families, and staff.
Our Spiritual Care Team
We identify our Spiritual Care team members as chaplains. Chaplains are professional members of the hospital's inter-disciplinary healthcare team who come alongside patients, families, and staff during times of crisis, transition, and healing with the intent of promoting and enhancing spiritual well-being. Chaplains provide a compassionate, non-judgmental presence and help patients and families manage their spiritual and emotional distress and questions. At times chaplains may provide a spiritual perspective, prayer, a blessing, a sacred ritual, or facilitate bringing in community spiritual care providers if the patient or family so desires. The spiritual care team is located in the Brantford General Hospital, A-Wing, Level 2.
Community Spiritual Care Partners
Our Spiritual Care team works in partnership with community spiritual care providers (clergy and volunteers) who care for patients. We respect that a spiritual care provider from the community may be the primary source of spiritual care for patients and families of patients and can help with contacting these care providers. Local clergy have full-access to the hospital, 24/7. New clergy are encouraged to contact the Spiritual Care department to arrange for a hospital identification badge. Parking validation tickets for out-of-town clergy are available through the Spiritual Care team.
Multifaith Center
Our Multifaith Center (formerly known as the Chapel) is a light-filled space that is spiritually themed. The Multifaith center is located on A-Wing, Level 2. All areas of the chapel are wheelchair accessible and there is plenty of seating available. The Multifaith Center is well suited to meditation, reflection and prayer. Every Thursday 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM there is an ecumenical Christian worship service programmed by spiritual care volunteers.
Clergy Resource Room
The clergy resource room is provided for local clergy and spiritual care volunteers. Supportive literature is provided and there is a computer for accessing patients who have requested faith community support.
Referral Process
Direct referral for spiritual care may be made to our staff chaplains. This can be done in person or by leaving a message at 519-751-5544, ext. 4212. If leaving a message, include your name and contact information, the patient's full name and room/bed number (if known), as well as a short description of the presenting issue/need.