Leaves of Absence Information
Human Resources Leaves
In this section you will find information on taking a leave of absence in the following categories. To get the process started for a HR Leave, please review the information on this page and then complete the Notice/Request Form.
Selecting your leave start date and return to work date:
- Pregnant employees have the right to take maternity leave of up to 17 weeks. New parents have the right to take parental leave when a baby or child is born or first comes into their care. Birth mothers who take maternity leave are entitled to take up to 61 weeks of parental leave. All other new parents are entitled to take up to 63 weeks of parental leave.
- For more information, please review the following Employment Standards Act Guide.
Employment Insurance (EI) Benefit:
- EI maternity benefits are offered to biological mothers, including surrogate mothers, who cannot work because they are pregnant or have recently given birth. A maximum of 15 weeks of EI maternity benefits is available. Benefits can be paid as early as 12 weeks before the expected date of birth. The weekly benefit rate is 55% of the claimant's average weekly insurable earnings up to a maximum amount.
- EI parental benefits are offered to parents who are caring for a newborn or newly adopted child or children. There are two options available for receiving parental benefits: standard or extended.
- Standard Parental Benefits: Can be paid for a maximum of 35 weeks and must be claimed within a 52 week period (12 months) after the week the child was born or placed for the purpose of adoption. The weekly benefit rate is 55% of the claimant's average weekly insurable earnings up to a maximum amount. The two parents can share these 35 weeks of standard parental benefits.
- Extended Parental Benefits: Can be paid for a maximum of 61 weeks and must be claimed within a 78-week period (18 months) after the week the child was born or placed for the purpose of adoption. The benefit rate is 33% of the claimant's average weekly insurable earnings up to a maximum amount. The two parents can share these 61 weeks of extended parental benefits.
- For an overview of the benefit, helpful guides and the application process please visit this link.
Supplemental Employment Insurance Benefit (Sub Top Up):
- While on Maternity and/or Parental leave, you are eligible for a Supplemental Employment Insurance benefit (otherwise known as top-up) from the Brant Community Healthcare System if you are in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) Maternity and/or Parental benefits and have been employed with the hospital for a minimum of 13 weeks. The duration and percentage of top up is determined either by your collective agreement or non-union policy. As a reminder, the top up benefit is only for a portion of the leave.
Please review the following checklist with reminders for:
- Prior to your leave
- During your leave
- In advance of your return
A personal leave can be requested by an employee if they require time off from work for personal reasons, such as to pursue further education. There is no set duration of a personal/education leave. Each request will be subject to the approval of your leader and also may be subject to collective agreement rules such as seniority.
An emergency leave is an unpaid leave granted to an employee if they are not able to perform the duties of their position because of an emergency such as a declared emergency or an order that applies under the Health Protection & Promotion Act. Each request will be subject to review by Human Resources and depending on the circumstance evidence of eligibility may be requested.
A pre-paid leave is a self-funded leave plan for employees who wish to defer their salary to fund a leave.
The plan enables employees to spread four (4) years' salary over a five (5) year period, in accordance with Income Tax Regulations, to enable them to take a one (1) year leave of absence following the four (4) years of salary deferral. Other periods of salary deferral may be requested by the employee and will be considered on an individual basis by the Hospital.
The employee must submit their leave request using the online form at least six (6) months prior to the intended commencement date of the start of the salary deferral period. Each request will be subject to review by Human Resources and the employee's leader and may also be subject to collective agreement rules such as seniority.
An employee will be granted Military Leave in order to meet any obligations pertaining to Canadian Military Reserve. A Military Leave is an unpaid leave of absence. The employee is asked to provide as much notice as reasonably possible.
All of the Human Resources leaves listed above can be requested using this Notice/Request Form.
General Information for HR Leaves
While you are on leave and if applicable, you may be able to continue your health and dental benefit coverage, disability insurance, HOOPP contributions, RRSP contributions and some of your regular payroll deductions such as participation in the 50/50 draw and parking.
Your options with regard to these benefits and deductions depend upon the type of leave you are taking and in some cases the duration of your leave. Once your Leave Request/Notice Form is submitted, a Human Resources team member will reach out to you at your corporate email address and provide you with the options specific to your leave.
Organizational Health Leaves
In this section will find information on taking a leave of absence in the following categories. To get the process started, please review the information on this page and then contact Organizational Health. For each leave listed below, the Employment Standards Act will outline further details for that specific leave.
- As a results of the recent amendments to the Employment Standards Act, paid Personal Emergency Days were removed as of January 1, 2019. This has been replaced with three (3) separate unpaid leaves:
- You must be employed for two (2) consecutive weeks to be eligible.
- For sick leave and bereavement leave, the hospital provides a greater right and benefit. The hospital can require evidence “reasonable in the circumstances” that an employee is entitled to the leave.
- Under the Employment Standards Act, after being employed at least 2 consecutive weeks, you are eligible to take up to 3 days in a calendar year, where illness, injury, medical emergency or an urgent matter are related to:
- The employee's spouse
- A parent, step-parent or foster parent of the employee or the employee's spouse
- A child, step-child or foster child of the employee or the employee's spouse
- A grandparent, step-grandparent, grandchild or step-grandchild of the employee or of the employee's spouse.
- The spouse of a child of the employee.
- The employee's brother or sister.
- A relative of the employee who is dependent on the employee for care
- The hospital can require evidence “reasonable in the circumstances” that an employee is entitled to the leave.
- Under the HOODIP plan, you are able to take up to 15 weeks.
- The HOODIP plan covers regular Full-Time employees. Sick time for all other employment statuses is unpaid.
- Documents required to initiate a sick leave: supporting medical documentation
Under the Employment Standards Act, you are eligible to take up to 37 weeks for a critically ill minor child, and up to 17 weeks for a critically ill adult. Critically ill means that the person's baseline state of health has significantly changed and their life is at risk as a result of illness or injury. This does not include chronic conditions.
Under the Employment Standards Act, you are eligible to take up to 8 weeks in a calendar year to provide care to a family member who has a serious medical condition.
Under the Employment Standards Act, after being employed at least 13 consecutive weeks, you are eligible to take up to 10 days in a calendar year. You are also eligible to take up to 15 weeks within a calendar year.
Under the Employment Standards Act, after being employed at least six consecutive months, you are eligible to take up to 104 weeks.
Under the Employment Standards Act, after being employed at least six consecutive months, you are eligible to take up to 104 weeks.
Entitlements differ depending on your employee group. This chart will outline these entitlements.