'Very caring community' helps bring second CT scanner closer to reality
Brantford General Hospital currently completes 43,000 CT scans each year, including 18,000 emergency department patients. BCHS has also seen the number of CT scans increase by 200% in the past few years. The addition of a second CT scanner has many benefits, such as increased efficiency, for patients and caregivers. The cost of a new CT scanner is $2 million and thanks to our caring community we have reached half of that goal.
There are 3 ways to get involved:
- You can purchase 50/50 tickets — you do not need to be present to win.
- Make a donation towards the redevelopment of the emergency department and the purchase of a CT scanner.
- Shop at an online auction - the auction has already begun!
If you would like to make a bid visit www.bchsgala.com